HNHS Celebrates Nutrition Month

     The month of July is celebrated in the Philippines as "Nutrition Month". With this, HNHS held its opening program for Nutrition Month last July 10, 2015 at HNHS ground and culmination program last July 31, 2015 at Barangay Plaza. The school celebrates the month with the theme “Timbang iwasto sa tamang nutrisyon at ehersisyo!”.

     The opening activity was started with the HATAW led by the HNHS teachers. Highlights of the celebration are the Nutri Quiz and followed by the Games such as Pinoy Henyo and Egg Catching.

     During the Nutrition Month culmination program, there were many activities line up with the celebration. These are Poster Making contest, Slogan contest, Dance Exercise contest, Cooking contest, and the Highlights was the Nutri King and Queen.The students were very enjoy and actively participated in the said event.

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