HNHS Studes Receive Confirmation

Generose Mejasco

There are many practices of worship in the Roman Catholic religion. Worshiping could be anything: basic prayer, the seven sacraments, or public worship (Sunday mass). Each experience of worship has different meanings in Roman Catholicism, effecting people in many different ways. One of the more noteworthy practices that HNHS students have experienced is one of the seven sacraments, confirmation. Confirmation is said to be a time where a catholic confirms their beliefs. Through this sacrament, a person becomes a “spiritual adolescent;” that is, they mature in the way they communicate with God and in conveying his message. Confirmation involves receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In a way, it is a reenactment of when the Holy Spirit came down on the apostles and gave them strength to teach as Jesus did.

Diocese of Talibon realized the importance of this sacrament and understood perfectly the reason why the people from the island barangays can’t receive this. So they made a major sacrifice by outreaching the remote areas to conduct Confirmation.

        Handumon folks were blessed to be part of this advocacy and Handumon National High School joined and supported this activity. HNHS with the collaboration of the barangay prepared a short program to honor Rev. Fr. Patrick Parcon and a dinner closed the activity.

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